Moving a Windows 7 image created on an AMD platform to an Intel platform, I ran into the dreaded Code 12 error with my Intel GMA3150 video device, indicating that it could not find enough free resources it can use. The culprit was the AMD PCI Express (3GIO) Filter Driver under the System Devices category in Device Manager. Right-click on the AMD PCI Express (3GIO) Filter Driver, uninstall the device, check the box to also REMOVE THE DRIVER FILES (otherwise it will return immediately) and reboot the computer. Install any missing device drivers normally, and reboot again, and you will no longer have the Code 12 error.
If this helped you, would you please link back to this article? I’d appreciate it! Leave any questions in the comments section.
Finally solved my BIG problem, we have 7 laptop thats been delayed for months because of this. HP support didn`t solve it, but now we can deliver the machines. Thanks!!!!
I’m happy to have helped you! 🙂
Hi , you seem the most help ,
i have the exact same issue but do not have AMD PCI Express (3GIO) driver could it be anything else?
Are you using Windows XP? A similar problem occurs when the APIC is disabled on a system, either in the BIOS or if you use XP with a non-APIC HAL (if “Computer” in Device Manager doesn’t say “Uniprocessor” or “Multiprocessor” on XP then it’s a non-APIC HAL). Code 12 indicates that IRQ, DMA, or I/O memory areas are exhausted, and IRQs are usually the resource causing the problem. APICs add more available IRQ numbers, but very old machines don’t have the APIC enabled or even don’t have one at all. I think an APIC is required for running Vista or higher though.
Bottom line: you’re running out of resources somewhere. Open the Code 12 device and look at what resources it’s unable to allocate and go from there.
It works for me too;
I had the same problem after install windows 7 in some of PCs of our organization.
Thank you very much it worked like a treat.
OMG, thx, o have tryied to look an every homepage i can find i think :d but now it works again, thx alooot.
Worked sweet as on brand new Asus PC which had had a PCI-E GeForce card installed. Onboard Intel video now works again, thank you for the fix!!!
Great, I solved this problem after migrating with Acronis. In my case the device driver had a different name, but I could see it was from AMD. Super
Thank you so much, I kew the AMD PCI device was the culprit, but every time I uninstalled it came right back. I totally forgot about the driver removal.
I have the same issue, I did checked remove file but every time after reboots it comes back, should I delete it somewhere else ?
hello I have the same problem, I did what you suggested and did check the remove file box. However, everytime I remove it it comes back right after I reboots, do you have the solution for this?
Genius! This worked perfectly for an old HP system I had syspreped to move to another box. Thank you so much!
I Have a question, Like you i moved my Windows 7 image created on an AMD platform to an Intel platform and the solution described above worked as well! But my question is, why does it want me to Activate Windows Again?
Anytime there’s a major hardware change like a motherboard swap, you can expect deactivation. The whole point of activation is to block someone from installing on one machine and moving the hard drive to another machine.
It worked for me too;
I had the same problem after moving a windows 7 harddisk to another laptop.
Thanks, Claus.
This *worked* for me! Didn’t even occur that there was a device with the name AMD on an intel system, many thanks and may your drives never fail!
Spreading this link all over my workplace ASAP.
Thank you very much!
If your ever in Mexico please let me know, I have a nice bottle of Tequila for you
Even Intel and microsoft online support can’t help me like you did, you’re the man. thank you very much for saving my days
3GIO-PCI? did not exist but your advice lead to the real solution. It seems your right the PCI driver is the problem !! My driver list claims the right driver “Intel” is installed and yes the T530 Lenovo is an Intel MoBo and chip. However thanks to system deployment services the standard PCI driver from Intel was toast, but installed anyway. So I right clicked on the PCI device [in the managers list] and selected update/local machine area/”Let Me Select Drive” and only 2 compatible drivers showed up. The Intel still didn’t work. But the second time around I selected the “Microsoft PCI Driver” and WALA NO MORE ERROR CODE 12. So It matters not that it’s a 3GIO brand driver what matters is change “What-ever” is present to something else, in my case it was Microsoft’s driver that fixed it. Why doesn’t installing the proper “Chipset” driver fix this, I still blame Lenovo for this silliness.
Thanks for posting this. After a lot of searching I finally found this site and it fixed my problem after I swapped motherboards and processors (AMD to Intel). Other than this issue it went pretty smoothly.
Your fix worked like a charm, THANKS
i’ts been a while but i had to say this,you sir are a lifesaver.i’ve been looking for a fix for about 3 months.
This did not work for me. I have tried to remove the AMD PCI Express (3GIO) Filter Driver but every time I try to remove it, the computer never leaves the uninstalling screen. I let it run all night and had to force a reboot. The computer then would not shut down and I had to pull the plug. After turning it back on it said that windows could not start and repaired the problem by re-installing the AMD PCI Express (3GIO) Filter Driver. This happened 7 times. I still cant get it to work. My computer is a HP Pavilion dv6-2157wm Entertainment Notebook PC and my driver, that is having the problem, is the Intel(R) HD Graphics Driver.
If it’s not removing the driver, you may have other issues; it might be better to reinstall from scratch than to try to chase this down.
Hi, After removing AMD PCI express and restarting my system, most of drivers were removed and system try to install the correct driver for intel system board, after few minutes everything runs very good beside mobile intel 4 series display driver code 12 again,,, any suggestion?
Update about my previous comment, everything is working,,, restart the system again and everything is very good,, thanks again
Helped me out a lot. Thanks!
Thank you very much!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you so fucking much this worked perfectly, youre a genius bro
I discoveredd this on hundereds of our college PCs where the video driver was messed up with a code 12 error.
pnputil /e >C:temppntlist.txt
search the list to find the AMD/ATI driver. Mine was oem22.inf identified by the following lines:
Published name : oem22.inf
Driver package provider : Advanced Micro Devices Inc
Class : System devices
Driver date and version : 03/10/2010
then force remove it and re-install the corect PCI driver.
pnputil -f -d oem22.inf
pnputil.exe -i -a c:windowsinfmachine.inf
pnputil.exe -a c:windowsinfmachine.inf
shutdown /r /t 1
After reboot look in the device manager and you should see the graphics driver is back to normal. You can put this in a task sequence on sccm and it works a charm.
No need to delete the device manually and have to reboot your machine and wait for it to rebuild the driver database.
Omg thx bro ive been on this all day it worked thank you
i spend almost a day searching around for this usefull post, thank you very much problem solveD
OMG Thank you very much! It worked on my Compaq 610. The harddisc was used in Acer 5110 for some time so the drivers messed up. When I returned in to the Compaq 610 I encountered this problem. Again thank you very much from Prague in Czech Republic!
thank u!!!
it’s work!!
tak dongakne akeh rejekine yo teman….
matur nuwun…salam saking Indonesia
@AnC: Thanks a ton for your suggestion, uninstalling it as the original post recommended did not work because the computer would automatically re-install the AMD driver on reboot.
Just a side note, you need to run command prompt as admin for yours to work (otherwise it doesn’t let you delete drivers), and if it claims machine.inf couldn’t be installed on any device that’s fine, just proceed with the instructions and everything should work OK.
The computer should not reinstall the AMD 3GIO driver if you tell it to delete the driver package when you delete the device from Device Manager. If it comes back, you didn’t check the box as per the original article. Use of pnputil as specified by AnC is far slower in practice than using Device Manager unless you are scripting this operation for automated rollout to many imaged computers at once.
I have a issue with the Wimax (code 12). I tried to look for the AMD PCI Express (3GIO) Filter Driver under the System Devices but I don’t have one. Is there a way to fix this issue?
If you don’t have that device, you aren’t experiencing the same issue. I don’t have experience with your particular issue, so I don’t know what to tell you without seeing it in person.
If I could, I’d reach through the internets and give you a giant bear hug for publishing this solution. Thanks so much.
Thank you!!!!!! You sir are amazing!
Excellent. Search and searched…. this worked. 1.) Uninstalled the filter driver (checked to delete files 2.) Reboot 3.) downloaded the latest Intel G41 Chipset driver, installed and rebooted. BAMMM! All set!
High Five. I owe you beer.
I would gladly accept if I could. 🙂
AnC – your comment made my day. Thx bro.
nctritech – thx to you too, this topic was really mindblasting
thank you so much. helped me out of a jam!!!
Thank you. This was my problem exactly! It took two reboots, uninstalling and deleting the ATI driver each time, but in the end it worked.
Thank you sir!!! Worked like a charm. Saved me after 2 days of pulling my hair out trying to resolve the issue.
I also had this problem with Code 12 after creating an image with Acronis 2014 from an AMD motherboard and universal restore to a intel board.
I managed to clear most errors by doing the following.
1. Do as is instructed by site owner at the top of the page in regards to the AMD PCI Express (3GIO) Filter Driver under the System Devices category in Device Manager
2. Remove all AMD display driver software
3. REIMAGE the computer using Acronis harddrive imaging software
4. Restore image using universal restore
(I now no longer had code 12 error and intel graphics program now appears in system tray on right)
5. Clean up all remaining AMD drivers and services that are not required
System now stable and intel graphics working perfectly It took me a while but after each change image the system so you can get back to the previous state if it goes wrong.
Hope this helps
Thank you for an overlooked answer. much appreciated.
Transferred an HDD from an AMD-based windows install to an Intel-based windows install. Ran into the issue where Windows would keep reinstalling the driver automatically. Followed “AnC” ‘s instructions, they worked perfectly. Thank you both ( AnC and the page’s author) for this information. You saved my bacon! 🙂
Had the same issue i appreciate this fix, fixed my gfx and my charger too thank you very much
You are a godsend thank you so very much 😀
Oh man, tks, omg, 2 weeks with this problem and you saved me…
Hello All,
am stuck with this code 12 since i installed a new Motherboard with a SLI of GTX 295 (Bi GPUGraphic cards => 4 GPUs in total).
3 out of the 4 GPUs are in code 12 in the Device Manager.
I have no AMD drivers as in the case presented
I changed the Intel PCI drivers for the Standard Microsoft ones as presented in another cases here,
Still, nothing makes it, code 12 remains….
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Code 12 means that the system has insufficient resources available to allocate to the devices installed. You will need to look at the resources under the properties for the cards that are not working and find out what resource is being exhausted. BIOS settings can affect resource availability. You may need to change PnP settings, APIC settings, ACPI settings, IRQ settings, default graphics adapter settings, etc.
hey, thanks for replying.
the thing is the proprieties of the GPU in the device manager don’t display that… it just say ressource problem, but there is not the detail of which item is in conflict. sadly.
i’ve turned off as many things as i could in the bios. still the same problem. it’s killing me, especially that i bought a maximus 8 Ranger only because it support quad GPU! not.
It is under the Resources tab. Go to Device Manager, find a GPU that’s not working, right-click, properties, and click on the Resources tab. You may have to scroll down in the box to see the conflicting resources. Can you use 2 or 3 GPUs? Does disconnecting the SLI bridge change anything?
The resource that conflicts should be shown in the box that lists the resources the card tries to use, along with a red X. Try updating the motherboard BIOS too.
well, indeed, if it would be logic and easy … 🙁
although, if i remember correctly,i did have access to this while i was starting windows in safe mode.
otherwise, it only shows what i wrote before.
if i do as you say, this is what there is in the ressource tab of one of the GPU in code 12:
(translated from french..) This device couldn’t find enough free ressources. If you want to use this devide, you must first desactivate other devices from your system.
I see 4 GPUs, and 3 of them are in code 12.
Worse, if i lauch GPUz while both Graphic cards along with SLI bridge are connected, the information shown is illogic – i assume due to lack of given ressources
Your fix resolved my exact problem. I had moved a hard drive from an failed AMD based laptop to a working Intel based laptop. I knew there would be driver issues, but I hadn’t found where the resource conflict was for the video card. Thank you.
Worked for me. I had a brand new Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 installation. My screen was of the wrong resolution and was blurred. Device Manager > Display Adapter was showing an error, “Code 12: not enough resources”.
I tried installing Intel HD Graphics 3000 and ATI display drivers. Both were showing the same errors. Rebooted hundreds of times and spent about 3-4 hours trying to resolve this.
Followed what you said. It worked! I have a proper screen with proper screen resolution.
You’re right, it worked. Thanks!
Worked for me as well :).
Finally, a great answer for my problem, too — not enough resources to Install my Intel 965 display driver which then meant my Fujitsu laptop couldn’t display “sleep” or “hibernate” as signoff options. God bless you for your help to me and so many others.
You are the greatest human being alive.
Thank you.
I too used Acronis universal repair that was on a WinPE bootdisk by Sergei Strelec.
I had no sound, along with three drivers that showed correct drivers, but with Code 12.
As to your suggestion,
I uninstalled and checkbox deleted “PCI Express (3GIO) Filter Driver”
Waited for the computer to reinstall automatically about 10 drivers, restarted,
and all drivers all working perfectly. Sound, USB, hard drives, Display all work correctly.
Wow. I had spent days on this getting nowhere because I was trying to fix the wrong drivers.
Thank you once again. 🙂
Had to roll back an old pc to windows 7. Been dealing with this same issue for the last 4 days. Must have read 100 forums on this, but no help. Just about to give up when I came across this. Fixed ! I kneel before your wisdom.
One can be happy that old threads are not deleted. I had the problem on a ProBook 6550b with “Intel Graphics HD”. I had the entry “AMD PCI Express (3GIO) Filter Driver” twice under Win7ows x64 Pro. It had been enough to remove the 2nd entry in the device manager. After reboot the graphic error was gone.
Many thanks to the old pros! :o)